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April 12th, 2011 @ 2:37PM: Server Upgrade
Posted By: Drackir
I've recently been working on upgrading the server. There actually isn't any piece of hardware that's the same as it used to be. Even the hard drive was removed and re-imaged onto a new one. It's still not top-of-the-line by today's standards but it's considerably better than what it's been for the past... 5 years. Anyhow, one of these days I'll get around to putting the beta up public. We'll see.

Just wanted to give you all a heads up.
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January 21st, 2011 @ 1:57AM: Oh Fondusi!
Posted By: Drackir
Dear Fondusi,
I'm sorry we haven't seen each other in a while. I've been busy and you've been chilling out in Beta. Life just gets like that sometimes. I still like you though, don't worry. We should start hanging out again. Perhaps we could start speaking another language? That would be nice. Our previous conversations were a little outdated, I think. Oh and hey, don't worry about the weather, I was just informed that the snow storm over Mount Kamet seems to be breaking up, so feel free to go trekking up there.

Anywho, it was good seeing you! I hope to see you around again soon.
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March 1st, 2010 @ 1:33AM: Forums are back up!
Posted By: Drackir
Sorry about that, people! I've been super busy so I haven't had a chance to fix the forums until now. Buuuuut, they're working now (and updated too!) so be happy! :)

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November 2nd, 2009 @ 6:16AM: Updates
Posted By: Drackir
Hey all,
It's been far too long since I last posted something so I figured I'd drop a line to say what I'm up to. I did make a post not so long ago saying what I was about but I put it in the chat-box. I guess no-one read it. Anyways, I've been super busy. I have a ton of things on the go most are focused on starting a company. When we're ready to go public I'll post here but most of my spare computer time is spent working on that. I haven't worked on Fondusi's in a while though I've been considering just making the game public in its incomplete form. Not really sure what I want to do just yet but we'll see. Uhh, I'm really tired so I'm going to go to sleep now.
~Drack :)
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August 1st, 2009 @ 1:37AM: Rollcall!-You better read this, especially if you're a lurker!
Posted By: Drackir
Ok, so I've decided to do a large prune of the forums. This will take place one month from today on August 31. I will be archiving most if not all of the posts and pruning members with [b]no posts in the last year[/b]. If you want to stay signed up, you'd better, at the very least, make a post in reply to this. I figured that it's about time to clean out the user base. Changes are coming here and to the game. :) More to come!

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July 29th, 2009 @ 2:07PM: Info
Posted By: Drackir
Hey all. Sorry I haven't posted in a while (or themed the forums yet), I've been super busy of late. So I have some big news about the game but I'm not ready to share it just yet. I am still working on it and I may be getting someone else to help me program it if I can get the version control thing to work properly. I'll post some screenshots of what I'm working on soon. :)
Well that's it for now.
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June 29th, 2009 @ 3:20PM: Forum Upgrade
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone. Sorry that the forums were down for a few days there. One of the database tables got corrupted and was preventing logons. I didn't have time to fix it but now the forums are back up and upgraded to the latest version available. :) I will update the themes later.

Go look at the next post before this.


P.S. If you notice anything funny, let me know.
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June 22nd, 2009 @ 2:08PM: Fondusi's Outing 2.0
Posted By: Drackir
Hey all! So, I was thinking that since Transformers two is coming out, we should have another get-together to go see it. :) It's playing in IMAX at the Scotiabank theatre in Toronto on June 2 at these times: 10:40am | 2:05pm | 5:20pm | 8:40pm | 11:55pm Apparently it's not playing on the Friday so Thursday will have to do. What do you all think? Interested? :)

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June 11th, 2009 @ 10:32PM: Fondusi's Update
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone,

I'm sitting here on a train mooching free internet and so I thought I would let you all know what's going on and also let you know that I haven't forgotten about Fondusi's. I've been working on it for the past two or three weeks trying to get the graphics engine working. I had some issues with drawing sprites which I've fixed and now. While working on animating them, I've started re-writing the player movement/key input system. This is what I'm in the middle of doing. Once it's done, I will be adding the NPC drawing/animation code. After all the player/NPC animation is complete I'll be adding the weather and parallax backgrounds ( :D ). After that, we'll see what happens. I've had a few more ideas I'd like to implement before the next release.

I'm moving pretty soon and I've been thinking about getting a new server computer so when I know more about that, I'll post it.

Until next time, stay fit and have fun.
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May 21st, 2009 @ 3:28AM: Forum Email Issue
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone,

It seems that there were a few issues with the forums being unable to send emails. Megell brought to my attention that some new potential members were not receiving emails and upon closer inspection it seems that the emails were bouncing back from the servers. I have updated some settings in the back end and the emails should all be going fine now. I resent the validation emails for anyone who signed up recently so hopefully that should solve that problem.

In other news, I bought an HD TV and Oblivion...I am distracted.

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May 7th, 2009 @ 7:32AM: Forum Updates
Posted By: Drackir
Ok, after many hours of tweaking CSS classes, HTML code and fiddling with Photoshop, I've finally gotten the forums to a more regular looking style. Please have a look around and if you notice anything funny/hard to read, let me know. I also fixed the smilies on the main Fondusi's home page. They should all appear correctly from these posts now. That's about all for now. As far as the game is concerned, I'm debugging some graphics issues with the player's being drawn. For some reason their sprites are compressed.
Anyhow, it's late and I have to be at work in 7ish hours.
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April 30th, 2009 @ 8:32AM: Drack's Back
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone!

It seems as though I'm FINALLY finished school! That's right, your lovable (right?) administrator now has a diploma and a degree in Computer Information Systems. I'm also starting work full time but since I don't have school to deal with anymore, I can get that darn engine working. I think I will fix the forums' colour scheme first, these posting pages are looking a bit off. Maybe tomorrow. It's already 4:30am...I should be asleep.

In other news, if you're into anime you should check out the Valkyria Chronicles anime. It's based off of the manga and there is also a video game for PS3 which is hard to find but totally AWESOME. I got really addicted to it. =D Here's a link if you're interested: http://www.animetake.com/anime/senjou-no-valkyria/ Also, if you like FullMetal Alchemist, there's a new version coming out that actually follows the manga. Both the shows started at the same time and as of right now, they are only on their fourth episodes. VC comes out on Saturdays and is usually subbed within a couple of days and FMA2 ("Brotherhood") comes out on Sundays and is usually subbed same day. Check that same site for the FMA2 stuff.

I'll post updates when I have new stuff to share. There's murmurs from the RP forums and I'd like to see them get started up again. Someone take some initiative and write something and everyone else reply (or even use something from before!). If you have any suggestions or anything (ie. the dice roller) let me know and I'll see what I can do.

I hope all is well with you and yours. Cheers to summer time!
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February 8th, 2009 @ 11:11PM: Forum Upgrade
Posted By: Drackir
EDIT: The forum upgrade is now complete. I will continue to tweak the layout over the next little while to get it back looking, at least a little, like the old forums. Please bear with me as I set this up and be sure to let me know if there are things that are hard to read or view.

If you didn't read my last post, please have a look. It cost me quite a bit of money to upgrade the forums (and I believe it was well worth it) so if anyone would want to donate and help me out that would be amazing. Also, think about this: rarely do you get to see the benefits of your donation BEFORE you actually donate haha. :P

Happy posting!

As you read this piece of news (assuming I haven't finished yet) the forums are being upgraded to the latest version of IP.Board.

I will update again when the upgrade is complete. :)
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February 8th, 2009 @ 3:15AM: New Forums
Posted By: Drackir
Hello everyone,
I have some good news. I have purchased a license for the latest version of IP.Board. I'm waiting on the download link and key so I can install it. Hopefully tomorrow I will get it. I may have to wait until Monday ("business day") before I can get it but either way I will be upgrading the forums this week some time. I'll make a post about it before I do so you know what's going on.

It cost me a bit more than I expected ($190 CDN) (because of the crappy exchange rate) so if you want to donate $5 or $10 to offset the cost for me..hehe, that'd be nice. The paypal link to donations is on this page: http://www.fondusis.com/index.php?act=donate The page is old and not applicable anymore since we don't host it on that server but yeah, I'd appreciate it even if you can spare a few bucks. :) Thanks.

Also, I've taken the test board offline.

I'll update again when I have more info.

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February 3rd, 2009 @ 3:50AM: New (Upgraded) Forums
Posted By: Drackir
Hello everyone!
I have been debating about updating the forums for a while and, after switching servers, I set up a test version of what they would look like if I upgraded them: *closed*
Please have a look at this and let me know what you think.
Just a few notes:
1. If I switch, I will update the skin to make it Fondusi-like (like this). So not to worry about that.
2. The smilies are half broken. I will fix this.
3. There were one or two more errors when I was updating that I haven't fixed yet. Some things may act weird so if you notice something like this let me know.
4. You can use your mb.fondusis.com forum logins to get in.
5. All the forums there have been closed except suggestions. You can make new topics and reply to stuff there to see what it's like.
6. If you have any questions or concerns, please drop a post there or in reply to this thread.
7. Have a look around and please let me know what you think.

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February 2nd, 2009 @ 2:54AM: Server Switch Complete
Posted By: Drackir
Well, the server switch went smoothly. I had to restore three images but other than that you probably wouldn't have noticed any difference. I managed to get access to the FTP by setting up a fake site first and uploading it to that and putting the databases in etc. This is also a test to make sure the new database is working...I hope it is because I just deleted the other one. Please let me know if you notice anything acting funny.

In another note: as I submitted this I found out that the DNS hadn't updated the mb.fondusis.com record properly. Hehe. I deleted the database and it gave me an error but here we go again...*fingers crossed*.

Edit 2: Worked ok and the forums are now open.

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January 31st, 2009 @ 7:02PM: Fondusi's Downtime
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone!
Fondusi's is going to be down soon (for a little while). I have moved all of my other domains to their own home directory and now it's time for Fondusi's. It is quite a bit more entangled in Drackir.com than the rest of my domains were. I may also be updating the forums to a newer version. But I will probably wait for that until after I have set up Fondusi's again. So yeah, the beta server will still be up. But Fondusis.com and the forums may be in transition. I'm trying to minimize the downtime but I'm not sure if it will work yet.

That's all for now. I will update again when the move is complete!

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January 17th, 2009 @ 8:13AM: New Lord Knows!
Posted By: Kinewa
Hello everyone! Lord Knows is back in the runnings with some new comics, new art, and a new website. WOO!


Edit (Drack): Lord Knows now has a working archive page and it's own domain name! See above. :)
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January 16th, 2009 @ 6:06AM: Beta Server
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone! So, here's the news. My server comp is deadzors until I get a new hard drive (which will hopefully be tomorrow). In the mean time, I have reinstalled the power supply on my better computer and have restored the databases and server. This means that the beta server is back up! We are also discussing the possibility of adding new monsters and a new area. :) Is anyone still around? Should I send out emails? If you were in the beta test, the files are still in the beta forum and you should still have access.

Let me know if you have any issues...with the game or site. ;)
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January 14th, 2009 @ 5:49PM: Server Pooched
Posted By: Drackir
*EDIT* Does anyone have a spare HD I can use for the server?
*EDIT 2* Or a spare power supply for my other computer? *sigh*

Ok, so the webserver has been upgraded but it seems that my server computer has died. (HD Corrupted for some reason.) I believe I was able to recover most of the important stuff (SQL databases, Fondusis, etc.) but I will have to re-format the HD and install server on it again not to mention recovering the DB's. That will take me a day or two to get back up and running. Not that any of you use the beta client anymore anyways...jerks.

In other news, I may have solved the vista laptop problems with the client so I will post some info in the beta forum about that.

I also came across some new code that could greatly speed up the client networking and came up with a better way of doing things server side that would probably speed it up as well. I have documented and logged them for when I start working on it again in April/May.

That's all for now, I'm off to recover filesand run chkdsk over and over again.

P.S. What is this? 5 now? Looks like it's going to be a good year! :)
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January 13th, 2009 @ 8:42PM: Server Upgrade
Posted By: Drackir
The server upgrade is complete. All of the domains, subdomains and databases have been moved to a new server. Please check through things that you normally use and let me know if you see anything not working.
Anyone who has a subdomain or domain hosted here needs to contact me. Please check your FTP access and make sure you can still log in, as well as that all your files and (if applicable) database connections are working.
I will be moving some stuff around and probably migrating some of the non-drackir.com stuff to different places to clean it up a bit over the next little while so if something stops working, please let me know. I'm sure most of you have my msn but if not, drop me a PM.

Also, if you are looking for hosting (subdomain or domain) I can probably help you out.

That's all for now. Have a good day!
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January 8th, 2009 @ 3:51PM: Site Down-Time/Server Upgrade
Posted By: Drackir
I'm upgrading my host to a reseller package which means good things for the sites that I host. However, the DNS will have to be reset which means this site (as well as the hosted domains [not including drackir.com subdomains]) will be going down for a little while until I set it up and it re-propagates. I'll update again when the move is complete.
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January 7th, 2009 @ 6:29PM: Happy Birthday to Meeee (and Nalyid)
Posted By: Drackir
Hello!! As you may or may not know, tomorrow is mine and Nalyid's birthday. We will be turning 22. If anyone lives in Toronto and wants to go out for a beer, we will be going to the Madison (14 Madison Avenue, near Bloor and Spadina) around 9:30/10:00ish. Let me know if you're interested.
Otherwise, have a great Naldrackday.
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January 1st, 2009 @ 11:52PM: New Year
Posted By: Drackir
Gooooooood new year everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful night last night/this morning without too much drinking and hangovers. Just wanted to let you know that there's word on the street that Professional Man is back and has some new content as of today. Casey is also the only person who has had time to write articles for UpDownLeftRight in which he has been reviewing old games for the weekly Retro-Rapture column. If anyone would like to make a guest post/review or has an idea for a weekly column, please feel free to PM ideas to me. There is also word on the street that Lord Knows (Kinewa's web comic) may be updated soon.

My new years resolution this year is to finish the Fondusi's Engine and get something up for you peoples to debug and test for me. As I've said before, this won't happen until sometime after April but I do plan on it happening so we shall see!

I hope this year will be a great one...oh and maybe I'll even post a Strange Breed comic...maybe.

Have fun!
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December 17th, 2008 @ 5:55PM: You Wait More, I Finish School. Then, We Party!
Posted By: Drackir
Ok so it hasn't quite been three months yet (only two!) so this is good. I just wanted to drop a quick post for those of you that actually come here and read this from time to time. I'm in my last semester of school starting January. For the past semester and the one coming up, I have a huge final project to complete (redesigning and improving a management system that is currently in place at my work). This is what I will be focussing on, programming wise for the next four months as well as still attending classes and working to pay the bills. So, I won't be putting time into Fondusi's until school is out. Once that happens though, I will try my best to get that damn new engine working and shiny and get a beta going.

Now, you're probably saying "Oh great, more waiting, more promises of a beta, etc. etc. blargh it all" Well, truth is I just don't have time right now. I did have a beta a while back which helped find some bugs and which led to an overhaul of the help info. I hope to do that again sometime next year. I suspect that once school is over I will find myself with a lot of extra time on my hands, but we shall see.

While you're waiting, you can go play yet another "Deloria" remake (don't go expecting Deloria though :P) if you really need a 2D fix: www.deloria-online.com Also, PS3 has some really cool stuff out (see: Resistance 2, LittleBigPlanet, Mirror's Edge, Home, etc.) There are movies and even real-life type stuff.

That's it from me for now. What are you planning on doing for the next few months?

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October 20th, 2008 @ 4:31AM: Fondusi's And LBP
Posted By: Drackir
Hello again. Looky, I am making another news post! An'it hasn't even been three months yet!!!

Anyways, I spent some time this weekend working on Fondusi's and I managed to get seamless map crossing working. There's some bugs with warp tiles though, so that is my next task to fix. Then, I'll be adding the character movement animations. After that, I'll add NPC's which should be fairly painless once I have PC's drawing properly. I'll get all of this done at some point in the future (maybe the past, but I doubt it) and then I'll post some more info and maybe some screens.

On a completely different topic, I made it into the LittleBigPlanet Beta two weeks ago and I played it a bunch and I made a level (WIP): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvRYqJngYrM

In other news: "Forum resurrects from dead, is thirsty."


That is all.
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September 24th, 2008 @ 1:49AM: News, News, News
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone,

Sorry I haven't posted news in a while. For a while there I didn't really have anything to post, and then, when I did have something to post, I didn't have the internet. So anyways, here's the update.

So, while my internet was dead for three weeks, I managed to get quite a bit of work done on the new engine. It now draws characters and items which can be seen across map boundaries. Players can move around and you can see one another but they are not animated yet. There are a few bugs with transferring players across maps seamlessly, but overall it's looking good (and keeping a high framerate as well). I haven't worked on it for a week or two but maybe if I can find some motivation I'll get back to it again...and if school dies down...but I doubt that's going to happen.

In other news, I started a blog for gamers called [URL=http://www.updownleftright.ca/]UpDownLeftRight[/URL]. It has mostly (all but one game related post) been me posting despite the fact that I've asked a few people to help out. If anyone is interested or wants to help drop me an email or PM and we can chat.

Other than that, I'm sorry to see that the forums are dead but hey, it's my own fault I suppose for not posting anything new in a long time. I'm sure you're all super busy too...damn IRL stuff.

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June 8th, 2008 @ 5:51PM: Drackir.com
Posted By: Drackir
Update: The website is now fixed and everything should be working again.

Hey guys. The Drackir.com domain expired because of poor communication on the part of my host. I am waiting to have it renewed but until then all the subdomains are down. I'll let you know when it's fixed. I've also tried to fix the forum's images so if you find pages that are missing images let me know. (Post a reply here)

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May 16th, 2008 @ 1:41PM: Update
Posted By: Drackir
Ok so...as it turns out the PS3 is a really big distraction, especially mixed with an excessive amount of crap from work and starting a new semester at school. But I have made a few changes to the new graphics engine the main thing of which is that originally I had written a (long) routine to go and figure out which tiles were on each map surrounding the map the player is on and on the same map and to only load those textures to save memory. As it turns out it really doesn't save much memory as compared to loading all the textures and unloading the tile surfaces from memory. And also the peak memory usage is higher when they are loaded procedurally (which means it takes more memory overall to do it the way I had originally set it up even though it generally uses less because there are not as many textures in mem). So basically, now it just loads all the textures into memory vs the procedural loading. This also fixed a few bugs with certain textures not being loaded fast enough when switching maps. I haven't gotten to sprites yet but right now I'm working on making map edges not appear and act like map edges.
So that's about it regarding the game right now. As far as the forums are concerned...why are they dead? Are you punishing me for a lack of updates? What ever happened to the RP forum? C'mon people, you're going to get me discouraged! :cry: :lol:

So that's about it for now. When I have something good I'll probably post a video so you can see the changes before I actually let you play (beta testers at least :P).

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April 15th, 2008 @ 10:06PM: WHAT'S THE DEAL MAN? WHY NO UPDATES?
Posted By: Drackir
Ok ok. I know you're ALL wondering why I haven't posted news about the game in a while and mainly it's because I haven't been working on the it...hehe >_> But I have so just calm down. The next update is going to be huge and I mean huge. A whole new engine and awesome things that you'll love. I'm going to keep the details to myself and the staff for now but just be patient. :D This update is so big it will be 1.2.0 (no longer 1.1.#!). That's how big it is. So just bear just with me while I work on it. If you guys want to help come up with a stat system that is fair and works well. Good luck.

Oh and I posted a new strange breed a while ago. It's dumb. :P

Have fun!
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March 29th, 2008 @ 8:31PM: Earth Hour
Posted By: Drackir
Tonight from 8:00PM-9:00PM is Earth hour. Basically the idea is that everyone turns off non-essential electrical devices such as TVs, VCRs, coffee makers, etc. but especially lights. If you want more information google it. Wake up and show everyone you're aware and concerned. :P I know I'll be turning this computer off for the first time in about 34 days. The game server will also be down (not that anyone tries to find bugs or anything anymore. :P) I hope all your houses (or wherever you are) will be in the dark tonight for at least an hour.
Have fun!
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February 28th, 2008 @ 1:18AM: NEWS
Posted By: Drackir
OK so this is at least the fifth time (literally) that I've written a news post and hopefully I won't start doing something else and forget about it, restart for updates/installations, close the browser by accident or some other such thing. So moving along!

~Game Dev~
I stopped working on the game for a while in January but I picked it up again over the past week or two. The graphics engine is proceeding well. I'm working on getting the player to move (though you can't see the player yet). The player does move actually it's just really fast and I need to fix the speeds somehow. That's about it on that front.

I upgraded my server to 1TB of space and to have unlimited domains so if you're interested in hosting please drop me an email or PM.

That's all for now I think. :P

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January 17th, 2008 @ 4:27AM: Website and Game Update
Posted By: Drackir
Edit (Jan 17, 2008: 4:30pm): The website was upgraded this morning around 11AM. The forums were down for a few hours but should be back up and running now. If you encounter any errors please let me know via PMs or MSN.
Thank you.

Game Developement
I'm currently re-writing the entire graphics engine in DirectX 8. I started this in December but I didn't have any time over the christmas break to work on it. (I was quite busy most of the time which, on a side note, was also why I didn't post any updates.) I'm working on getting the map drawing correctly right now. I'll post some screenies when I have something to show. That's about it for now. There won't be another update until that is finished so it will be a little while.

Server Upgrade
The PHP upgrade that I mentioned back in November did not actually go through. I was informed today that the upgrade will take place tomorrow. The website may go down because of the change of database software/PHP software. If it does I'll have it back up as soon as I can.

That's all for now.
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December 4th, 2007 @ 1:57AM: Beta Update
Posted By: Drackir
The beta server and client have been updated and characters have been wiped. There are a lot of new changes/fixes so please try and find bugs and give feedback.

Have fun!
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November 30th, 2007 @ 6:25AM: Beta Update and Char Wipe
Posted By: Drackir
Hey all you closed beta testers out there!
The CB server will be updated with new NPC's and items on Monday, December 3, 2007. (Edit: I think I have the right date this time!) The stats have undergone a huge change/revamp and so there will be a complete character and account wipe at that time as well. I may also make a few minor updates to the client and server between now and then.

Things are progressing quickly right now but I am coming up to exam time (week after next) which means I won't be able to make a lot of updates next week. Hopefully over christmas break I will be able to make the big changes I wanted like re-doing the graphics engine.

I think most of you who play have updated your client already but if you have a client older than 1.1.38 you MUST download the new installer from the beta forum. If you are getting a Run-Time Error (RTE) 9 then it is probably because you haven't updated your client.

A few staff changes have taken place. I've removed some staff members who have not been back for a while and added two new members:
KoopaTroopaZ is the new Lead Developer and has been working hard for the past few days adding items and tweaking NPCs.
Sephiroth is now officially Lead Tester. He has been working hard with both myself and Koopa to get the stats tweaked just right for the game.

That is it for now. Have fun people!
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November 27th, 2007 @ 6:51PM: Beta Update
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone.
I posted a new beta client up last night for update 1.1.38. This update, although the updater will download the new client, REQUIRES you to download the installer exe or you will get errors with loading the client. The installer link is in the same place as it was under the same name.
Characters were wiped (twice) as well to take into account the stat changes. Please try and find more bugs and test if the old bugs are gone.

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November 24th, 2007 @ 10:31PM: Downtime Today
Posted By: Drackir
Hey guys sorry the forums/site was down today. There was a problem with MySQL on my host and it messed up one of the tables in the database which is why the forums were down when the site was back up. It should all be fixed now so if you notice anything else that's off let me know. Beta update coming soon!

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November 22nd, 2007 @ 4:53PM: Beta Update and News
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone! I have a few updates to let you know about:
First off, I've fixed some bugs with the updater and if you are still getting "Run Time Error (RTE) 5" or "Object variable or With block variable not set" go to the "Beta Information" thread in the forums and download the new updater zip.
If you get errors after installing the game with the installer, try restarting your computer.
If you are missing zlib.dll: http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?zlib Put it in your client folder (C:\Program Files\Fondusi's\).

Forum/Game Fix
I've fixed the updater that links players in game with forum members. If you go into your Control Panel and add your name and password from the game, the updater will link your characters to your forum account and show information about them in your profile. Updates occur every 10 minutes but you may notice that while you're playing the stats aren't updating. This is because technically, your stats will be posted within 10 minutes of the last time you logged off or the last time your character was saved. If you're playing, the stats shown on the site will be the same as when your characters were last saved.

PHP Upgrade
My host will be making an upgrade to PHP5 on November 27. I hope that this will not affect the forums adversly but there is a chance that it could mess things up. If worst comes to worst, I'll have to upgrade the forums and they may be down for a few days. Just wanted to let you guys know so you're not suprised.

Have a good rest of the week!
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November 5th, 2007 @ 2:33PM: Beta Server Back Up
Posted By: Drackir
The beta server has been put back up. It seems that one of the clips that holds the heatsink onto the CPU broke the plastic piece that holds it in place. The problem with this is that the other piece already broke off a long time ago. I've put the heatsink back onto the CPU but I am just going to leave the tower on its side. It's not much of a fix and I should probably just buy a cheap new computer to use as a server but as it stands, that's what it is. :lol:
I think I might make some tweaks to the stats and post at least a server update tonight. If I have time. We'll see.
That's it for now! Have fun.

There's some problems with the updater right now I'll try to have them fixed as soon as I can.
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October 30th, 2007 @ 7:06PM: Beta Server Down
Posted By: Drackir
The beta server is down right now because the computer I host it on is broken for some reason. I'll try to fix it soon.

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September 19th, 2007 @ 2:10AM: Website Downtime
Posted By: Drackir
Hi all. As I'm sure you all noticed the website/forums were down since sometime over the weekend until now. This was caused by an "emergency server upgrade" by my web host. I wasn't informed and I'm quite pissed about it. I submitted two tickets about fixing the problems that were ignored which, again, makes me very angry. But it's working now. I had to setup the subdomains again so if I missed anyone's please let me know. Also FTP accounts were reset so if you could PM me what you want your username and pass to be and what your subdomain is, I'll set them up for you again. That's it for now. If anyone notices any broken links or problems anywhere please let me know.


Edit: Also someone noticed a few links were down on the main site. They have been fixed.
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August 31st, 2007 @ 5:43PM: Beta Test
Posted By: Drackir
Hello everyone. The beta test is just about ready. I'm going to add some basic quests to the game and then put it up for forum members to test out probably by tonight. If you want in on it, read the post below and follow the instructions.

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August 30th, 2007 @ 1:35AM: Update On Beta
Posted By: Drackir
OK so I have been off school for a few weeks now (I go back next week blegh) but I've spent a little bit of time working on the game. I've ironed out some bugs (and maybe caused a few more :P), finished the graphics compression (took the client folder down 59MB), added 80+ commands to the scripting engine, etc. All that's left before a beta test is fixing the updater and a few more little things. Then some quests/items need to be added but those can wait for the other things. So, I have some time off work and although I have plans I'm going to try to get something ready this weekend if possible. I've grabbed the list of people from the other beta test news post so if you're around PM me and let me know if you're available over the next couple of days or not. Also, can you include your computer specs (OS, processor, gfx card, ram, DirectX version, etc.) and some instant messaging client info if you have one. I have yet to get this to work on linux but I will try again if I have time.

Here's the list of people (if you want to join PM me):

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August 24th, 2007 @ 10:22PM: Programmer & New Screens
Posted By: Drackir
I'm looking for someone who knows how to program VB and preferrably VB 6. If you can do this and want to help with some scripting let me know via PM or email.

Also, I posted some new screens and updated the old bank screeny. Go check them out.

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July 9th, 2007 @ 7:03PM: News, News, News
Posted By: Drackir
Well I see that some of our forum members *cough*ricko*cough* are complaining because I haven't posted any news in a while so here it is. :P

To be honest, there's not much to say which is why I haven't posted in a while. I really haven't had any time for the game recently. School, work, outside, *cough*battlefield*cough* you know those things tend to get in the way. I'm also moving this weekend so yeah life is busy.

We had our first Fondusi's gathering on Friday which went over quite well. I somehow came out of it with a squirtortle and a charbasaur pok?mon card. There was a minor problem with the timing and perhaps for the next one we can plan it better but we'll see what happens. :P I hope everyone liked the movie. Except for Nal cause he's dumb.

Strange breed hasn't been updated yet but I will try to get to it when I have time...if I have time.

The forums are busy as ever which is good to see. Please find more people and invite them to join up. :)

I guess that's about it for now. If I think of anything else I'll let you know. I'm late for class. Have fun!

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April 12th, 2007 @ 5:35AM: Siggy Competition
Posted By: CoreTechs
Create a signature (or more than one if you wish) to show off what defines you.
Thinking off the top of my head...
1) You can use whatever program you want, the work has to be your own. This means no contracting anyone to do it for gaming currency (gold) or anything like that.
2) The dimensions of the sig cannot exceed a height of 100px and width of 600px.
3) After you post it, give a general description of what you did and how you did it (include the programs you used).
4) You may use sprite and images of characters, but keep most of your image original. It should be a demonstration of your talent in using that particular program, not of your copy/paste abilities.

Try not to shoot down other people's work. Constructive criticism works.

Generally try have fun with it. Challenge yourself and learn new things.

Submissions must be in by 11:59pm on April 22.

Judging will occur by a voting method in which anyone in the forum can participate. Voters will PM me theirs votes by 11:59pm on April 25, I will tally them up and give a result. Also, voters will not be permitted to vote for themselves, this way, someone might actually win the competition.

Anyone that has joined the forums after April 11 will be excluded from voting but input in the forums will be accepted.

Edit: Post your entries here: Where the BBCode is
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April 4th, 2007 @ 8:28AM: New Shop Look
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone! Just thought I'd post another update to fill you all in on what's going down.

First off, after about a one or two week break from programming (well at least the game; school and work kept me too busy) I made some new additions to the game client. Specifically I overhauled the shop system, fixed some bugs and added some new scripting features that will allow us to create even more dynamic and interesting quests. A few of the staff have been working on adding Non-Playable Characters (NPCs) and the empty maps are starting to become interesting. It is very exciting seeing people (even if it's just NPCs and admins) walking around the maps and standing where they belong (who knew shops had keepers? :P)
So, things are moving along again. There are still a lot of things I need to add (and remove) before it's ready but we're certainly a little closer than we were last week. :)
Regarding the player written quests, I only have ONE! Come on, I've seen your role play posts people! I know you can be creative. Lets see some quests! :P

In other news, some day soon I might finish the last half of the next Strange Breed comic that I started a month (or two!) ago.

I guess that's it for now.

Happy rainy day,
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March 19th, 2007 @ 2:11AM: Beta Test - Player Written Quests
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone!
So, for the demo I've decided to pretty much make up the story as we go along and leave the real story out of it until the official game is ready. That means that we need to make some new quests. That said I thought some of you might like to see or make some user-created quests in the demo.

Now you may be saying, "What exactly do I have to do?" Well basically, just think long and hard and then when you're ready send me a PM (be sure to keep a backup!) with all the information about your quest. Please use the sample format below:

Name: My Quest Name
NPCs: soupy - strange warrior
tatin - captain of guards
mardvarg - creatures found around the coast
Items: mardvarg eye, bastard sword of nomother
Places: (This will be limited to Mediobogdum, Riverdale and the coast)
Desc: *Description paragraph about what the game is about.*
Dialogues: (*'s denote player interactions
*player talks to soupy
soupy: please take this item to the captain for me!
*player gets: note which reads ""
*player talks to tatin
tatin: ah, this is very grave news indeed. please go kill 10 mardvargs
*player loses: note
*player kills 10 mardvargs and gets mardvarg eyes from them
*player talks to tatin
tatin: ah thank you, they were such a nuisance. here is a bastard sword of nomother.
*player gets: bastard sword of nomother

Something to that effect. It can of course be more elaborate and such (indeed I would prefer it to be much more elaborate than that). Also, please try to be serious (and literate).

I think this is a really good way for you guys to help us out and to help us get the game out faster. It was actually the Roleplaying forum that gave this idea to me. I figured, "Hey, if they can make up creative stories why not let them help us out a bit?" So, if you're interested go ahead and you might just see your quest featured in Fondusi's.

I also want to make a note that anything you submit to us becomes our property and we may use it, not use it, dissect it, edit it, etc. as we see fit. If you don't agree with that, please don't submit anything. This is just to ensure that there are no complications down the road.

Happy writing!

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March 7th, 2007 @ 9:38AM: Real vs. Forum Names
Posted By: Drackir
Though I don't mind people knowing what my real name is, (it's not exactly a secret) I must agree with Casey on this one. Even if you know people's real names, please refer to them by their forum names. It makes it easier for people who don't know their real names to follow along and it prevents all those problems down the road that I won't talk about. Please edit your previous posts to say people's forum names.

This is an administrative decision that I've been contemplating and it is non-negotiable. It's meant to protect both the community and myself from problems in the long run and, that said, I will enforce this rule.


Edit: I've modified the forum rules to reflect this as well.
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March 6th, 2007 @ 7:50AM: Beta Test Information
Posted By: Drackir
Ok, so there is still quite a bit of stuff to be added but the overall mapping is complete. Once I'm done with updating the item system, I have to revamp the shop system. Once that's done I have to finally get around to doing the graphics compression. There are some other things I have to do but basically, assuming we can get some quests and do a bit of pre-testing of our own, we *should* be ready for a beta in a few weeks. Now, I really don't want to open this up to everyone and anyone who wanders by. I need you, if you want to beta test, to actually log on and play. To do quests, kill monsters and give us feedback. The whole point of this is to a) give you guys a little taste of what you've been waiting for B) workout bugs c) stress test the server and d) get feedback on what's good, what needs improvement, etc. That said, it will be open to all forum members who are willing to go by what I just wrote. If you are actually willing and interested (and I really mean it, if you are going to login once just to see it and then leave, please don't waste our time, you can wait for the full game) then please leave a post here. I will keep a list and PM with information on where to get the client when we are ready.

Thanks guys and gals. Have a good week!

~Beta Tester List~
Casey (You'll have to get this going in Linux. I've tried and it didn't work so I hope you'll have better luck than me.)
Fas (Was waiting for you to check in)
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February 13th, 2007 @ 9:56AM: Updates
Posted By: Drackir
Ok, so I figure it's a good idea to keep doing frequent updates after all that time of idlenessism. So, what are we working on now? Well we have the main server back up (despite what the status page says) and we are working hard to get the maps finished so we can add NPC's and quests and such. There are still a few bugs I have to work out and some features that need to be added but overall we are progressing smoothly. Once the demo is ready I may put it up for download or I may just give forum members the link. I have not decided exactly what I'm going to do just yet so we'll just have to wait and see.

In other news, I made a few changes to the website forums a little while back. You'll notice a few more of the pages have the correct borders now.

I'll make another update soon.
Keep it real, ;)
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February 7th, 2007 @ 8:16AM: Game Demo
Posted By: Drackir
Hello everyone! Well, as I've mentioned previously, I have been working on the game again and I'm happy to say that we are almost ready for some pre-testing. There is still a lot to do (we need to add some basic quests/NPC's/etc. and finish off some houses but we are hoping to have it out soon. That said, I don't think I'm really prepared to release it to everyone just yet. I would like to keep it to a small group of people (mainly the people in this forum) for now. I know as well, that quite a few of you have linux boxes and unfortunately, I don't think this will work with it. (you can try it with Wine but I can't give a detailed install guide because Wine won't install on my AMD64 build of Ubuntu.) Please keep checking up as I will post more info on the "demo test" as it comes along.

Have a good week guys and gals,
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February 3rd, 2007 @ 11:00PM: A Note About Spam Bots
Posted By: Drackir
There have been quite a few spam bots coming on the forums and posting recently. It is quite annoying. If you see any new members that have only a few posts and they are posting about some link or other, don't click the link. I will have to upgrade the forums soon so that they won't be able to post anymore. Until then, don't click links unless you are sure of what they are.

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January 26th, 2007 @ 7:29AM: Fondusi's
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone!
I thought I would just post a quick update so here it is. I have been working bit by bit on Fondusi's, mostly converting everything over to run off the database. This of course takes time but will be very, very worth it in the end. Also, I recently acquired some books on armour and weapons from the past 2000 or so years. This will definitely be helpful when making up items and such. The books have pictures and such too which will help whoever is making the icons for the items. P.S. If anyone is interested please let me know either in PM's or make a post in the Game forum.

On another note, I see that Neonyo is still around and kicking and that his game demo will be out soon...or at least something to that effect! Welcome back Neonyo!

That's all for now!
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January 16th, 2007 @ 7:32AM: Ah ok.
Posted By: Drackir
So? What is going on? Well not that much. The forums are doing well as most of you can tell. Last night I cleaned up my main web directory and changed the sites around a bit (background things you probably wouldn't notice). I also made some updates to some of the pages to reflect recent and not-so-recent changes to the game situation. Drackir.com is going to have a make-over pretty soon when I get around to programming it. It will be useful for all of you, I promise. I'm also looking into getting the server back up and running (we haven't worked on the game in ages) so that hopefully we can get a demo up of the game. Unfortunately we're short on pixel art and so we are lacking baddies and such. I am thinking that just to get it out there would be a good idea and we can make graphical adjustments later. In light of that, once I find out the status of the dedicated server I will see what I can do. If anything new transpires I'll be sure to post here so watch out! :P I always check the forums but sometimes I just have no news but I'll try to post news more often if I can. I guess that's it for now.
Oh, happy belated holidays and new year and mine and Nal's birthday!
Maybe we'll get the demo out this year...hmmm hehehe! :P

Edit: If you are interested in helping check out this thread: http://mb.fondusis.com/index.php?showtopic=465

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November 14th, 2006 @ 8:24AM: New Server
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone!
The server switchover went quite smoothly (and quickly). I now have 25GB of space with unlimited bandwidth so we are more than adequately stocked for whatever needs may arise.
On that note, I think and have been thinking recently, that there needs to be a change around here. I want to get Drackir.com working as some sort of a portal to Fondusi's, SBOH, CoT, Casey's comic as well as other community projects. I have the space and subdomains to spare if anyone has an inkling to create their own site or has some idea they'd like to share let me know. I was also thinking of starting a BF2142 clan since I've been playing that A LOT recently. I will post more in the coming days, for now, enjoy the new server!


P.S. Anyone who is a hosted site of mine please email me (or msn) as your FTP's have been reset and we'll have to set up a new password for them.
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October 31st, 2006 @ 4:12AM: I Am Still Alive
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone!
Despite numerous attempts on my computational life by my real/social life, I am still alive and kicking here in my little logical realm. Unfortunately, Battlefield 2142 has stolen many of my computational hours over the past week or two but at some point I'm going to find some time to make some updates. I also have a few new ideas for SBOH and I'll try to get one up in the next few days. My computers have been formatted and are ready for gaming and programming so I'll get around to that second one sometime soon. :P Umm that's about it for now. I'll post some more info soon!

"Make smart choices!"
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September 15th, 2006 @ 5:19PM: Game Programming on Hold
Posted By: Drackir
Hi everyone!
The game programming is being put on hold now pending another format of my computer. I will probably be able to continue working on it sometime next week (I'm waiting for a copy of Windows Server 2003 from my school).

In Strange Breed of Human news, I will be posting a new comic tonight (if I ever get it finished).

That's about it for now.
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September 8th, 2006 @ 4:06AM: Strange Breed of Human
Posted By: Drackir
Ok, I have released the website and the first comic. The name of the comic is "Strange Breed of Human" and it can be found at www.strangebreedofhuman.com. I have added a new forum to discuss it if you feel the need.

That's all for now!
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September 7th, 2006 @ 6:46AM: Webcomic and Server Info
Posted By: Drackir
Hi everyone,
I have finished designing and programming the website for the webcomic. I have to make a few comics before I'm ready to release it but you can expect it over the next week or so.

I have also been working on the server. I have the accounts running off a SQL Server 2005 database and am currently working on getting all the characters (and subsequently the classes and guilds) running off the database as well.

That's about it for now!

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September 2nd, 2006 @ 6:01PM: Another Update ~ Woo!
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone! Look at this, an update really close to another update...that hasn't happened for a long time! :P

So, I have re-installed VB on this computer as well as SQL Server 2005 (and initially 2000 as well). I am in the process of converting all the accounts to work from the DB instead of from flat files in the server folder. This will mean that forum accounts and stuff on the site can actually be linked to your characters in game in real time (though, I may make it update a separate DB every so often to decrease load on the main server). I fixed a big bug in the server after quite a bit of debugging and that's what's up at this time. Also the server is back up and running and I updated the server page to reflect new changes to our main hosting server which I am sharing with he who is known as Cursian. This server is fast, dedicated and costs $500/month so if anyone wants to help out with donations feel free!

Nalyid and I (and possible night_vision) are also planning on starting a small webcomic soon. This project will remain top-secret until such a time as we are ready to release it. Just thought I'd tease you! :P

That's about it. See you in the forums,
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August 30th, 2006 @ 4:07AM: Updates and Ideas
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone. I figured now is as good a time as any to make an update and let you know what's going on.

So, as you may or may not know. The going has been slow (if not dead) for most of the summer due to many factors (the loss of most of the staff, an increase in workload at most of our real life jobs, social gatherings, etc.). This is sad and a real let-down (for myself as well as you guys) as I had hoped to have the game out this Summer. I'm not going to make excuses and I certainly hope that the community will be a little mature and accept that everything doesn't always go as planned. That said, we are not quitting or stopping or ANYTHING like that so please, please don't spam myself or the forums about this. On the contrary, we are actually planning to get a demo version ready for the community to play through a bit of the world with a few basic quests. And for all those RP'rs out there, we are also having discussions about a secondary server that will be solely RP. The demo will not be ready very soon as there is a lot to get set up and I am starting school so I need to get organized before I can work on it but there will be one as soon as I can get it done.

Well, I guess that's it so stay fit and have fun! :P
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August 1st, 2006 @ 2:48AM: Moving Time
Posted By: Drackir
I'm going to be absent for a few days as I am moving and won't be getting the net in the new appartment until Aug. 2. I will have access from work during the day but thats about it. Also, Nal is moving this week/end as well so you might not see us around for a few days.
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July 13th, 2006 @ 4:36PM: Changes
Posted By: Drackir
I have made a few changes with the forums.
Firstly, I have promoted CaseyWeederman to a Moderator due to his activity level.
Secondly, I have created a user group called VIP for people who make donations to the game. Currently, ShadowUser is the only person to be in this group. Being in the group allows you a little bit more access to the forums and gives things like being able to hold more PM's, being able to open and close your own topics, upload a personal photo (up to you of course), and things like that. Eventually, I will add a VIP forum for giving special sneak peaks and hints/tips about the game as well.

In other news, I've just formatted my computer and I have to do it again tonight so the game is on hold for a little bit while I get everything organized.

Site was down for a bit today due to host DNS issues.

Thats all for now folks!
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July 4th, 2006 @ 2:34PM: Happy Canada Day/Fourth of July
Posted By: Drackir
Happy Canada Day (July 1)/Fourth of July (July 4 [duh!]) everyone! I was busy on Saturday so I didn't get a chance to make a Canada Day post but here it is, fashionably late! Hehe anyways, hope you guys and gals had and have a good one!

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July 3rd, 2006 @ 6:27AM: Quick Update
Posted By: Drackir
Hey people,
Just a quick update all links have been transferred to fondusis.com and mb.fondusis.com. Any drackir.com or mb.drackir.com addresses should forward to their correct fondusis.com addresses. Please update your bookmarks as this won't always be so.

Note for hosted sites: This doesn't affect you, continue using drackir.com as you have been.

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July 2nd, 2006 @ 3:57PM: What's going on?-Read up!
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone!

So here's what's going on. As I mentioned in my previous post, the website hosting has been renewed and upgraded for another two years. I have also purchased the domain www.fondusis.com with donations kindly given by TreeHugger. I would appreciate it if everyone started using fondusis.com instead of drackir.com as eventually I want to separate the two sites. I will be converting the forums to mb.fondusis.com and make sure that mb.drackir.com links still work but you will all have to reset your cookies and report/change any links from mb.drackir.com to mb.fondusis.com. I will let you know when that happens.

As far as the game goes, storm has disappeared. I have no idea why but he just up and left which is a big set-back. I'm adding the guild system back into the game right now and then I'm going to fix the walking animations. I'm also going to get some quests put into it as examples so we can have a staff member add all of the rest of them. I have added 64x64 sprites but our sprite sheet is kinda messed up and needs to be fixed.

Our spriter .:Hill:. is gone off the face of the planet but I would like to welcome Lychee Akana to the team as a musicalist (Chris disappeared as well...hmm something strange is going on here).

The forums have been quite busy the past couple days which I like to see. I encourage everyone to come and post and get some more topics and posts in there.

I guess that's about it. I will post some more info as it comes!
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June 7th, 2006 @ 2:47PM: Website Hosting Renewed
Posted By: Drackir
Some of you may have noticed some funny things happening last night with the website. I have renewed the site for another two years and upgraded it as well with more space and unlimited bandwidth. Everything should be working fine now and if you find any problems please let me know.

I will post some more news soon when I have some more time.

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May 29th, 2006 @ 7:25PM: Updates and Information
Posted By: Drackir
Hello Everyone! I hope you're all having a great day.

I figured it's about that time that I posted some news on what is going on sooo...
For the past month I have taken a break from programming the game and worked on another smaller project (which I will get to in a minute). Because of my non-workingness (and a lack of communication) our team here have taken an unofficial haitus for the past month as well. Looking back, I think this was necessary to clear our minds as we have been working for months and months on this game.

So, to announce our coming back to work I have added 64x64 sprites (I'll post a new screeny tonight) as well as added some of the basic elements required for quest scripting. There are still little things we have to touch up with the world map but overall it's looking good. I will be adding the first few quests soon as well. My next goal is to add the guilds back in and work on the faction alignment system.

Overall we are starting to move away from the mapping phase and moving into the development phase. This brings us one step closer to the beta test and then the official release. :D

Now, the other project I was talking about is a little program called Computer Talk. It came about as a result of myself not being able to find a good FREE voice recognition program. After searching and trying things out for a few hours I got fed up and decided to write my own voice recognition program. So I did and I have made it available in a new forum called Downloads. The direct link is: http://mb.drackir.com/index.php?showtopic=337
Be sure to FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS if you download it. It is very important that you set your computer up to know how to listen to your voice before you actually use the program. Any comments or suggestions are always welcome.
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April 20th, 2006 @ 5:06AM: Long time...No news
Posted By: Drackir
No, we're not dead. Just working hard to get this game ready for release!

I have made some major additions to the NPCs that will add a nice change (I think) from the mass of games similar to this including scriptable speech and deaths. I have also added to their walking abilities instead of simple random movement. The quest system is well on it's way to being finished.

In regards to the overall progress. The world map is coming together nicely. We are adding final touches to it and work has started on the caves that go beneath the mountain and the rest of the island. After that is nearly complete deving can begin as the mappers work on finishing house interiors.

In summary, things are moving along at a steady pace and new features are being added regularly. Once I am finished the next stable (staff) update I'm taking a break to work on a couple extra projects for a few people and then I will get back to work adding new stuff and deving.

Just thought I'd fill you guys in, in case you were wondering! :P :)

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March 22nd, 2006 @ 6:30PM: Another Update :)
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone, I figure it's about time for another update just so you know we're still hard at work on the game. :)

~The Client/Server~
The mini-map now shows other players, NPC's and of course yourself. I have added a regional weather system which means that it will snow on the mountains, rain on the grassy areas and... be sandy in the desert. :) I'm going to be adding zelda/pokemon style movable blocks as well as NPC spawn points in this version. I fixed some of the transparency problems on a few of the tilesets as well.

The world map is pretty much complete, all that is left is to go through it all and add the blocks and touch it up where it needs to be touched up. Right now, storm is working on an immense cave system that will be fun to play in while Nal is working on finishing the world map. ;)

Pontifus has almost finished writing all the quests and I will be adding the quest system into the game soon.

The game is moving along swiftly and release is getting sooner and sooner. I am still not going to set a date because I don't want to let people down who are expecting it. When I set a date for release, it will be released on that day, that I can promise. All I will say for now is that it will be out this Summer for sure 100%. :) I will post some cool things we have been working on once the world map is finished to let you see some of the things that we've been doing. That's all for now I think.

Have a good day everyone!
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March 9th, 2006 @ 4:02PM: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!-Thats big enough news right?
Posted By: Lark Reborn
HEY TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY.. woo hoo.. the big 20.. eh... anyways.. well I think this topic belongs here ;p.. heh

~Lark Reborn
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March 3rd, 2006 @ 6:07PM: Still Working Hard :)
Posted By: Drackir
Okey another update to keep you all informed. I've fixed quite a few bugs in the client, got the full screen mode working nicely, added the option to use the original chat style if you don't like tabbed chatting and added players to the mini-map. I'm adding NPC's and chatbubbles to the client as well. :)

On another note, due to some extenuating circumstances that have taken pokey from us for a while, we would like to welcome Literacy (formerly Keilbasa) to the MiT squad along with .:Hill:. as our new pixel artist. :)

We are working away at the world map and it should be done pretty soon, that means we can start adding monsters and things like that (once Hill sprites them, :)).

So anyways, just thought I'd keep you all informed! :) Any questions or suggestions/ideas can be posted in the forums.

Have a good one,

P.S. Click the Vote buttons below to vote for us! And click the google ads/use the search to support us. Thanks! :)
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February 23rd, 2006 @ 7:34AM: Minimap!
Posted By: Drackir
Ok everyone. I added the minimap tonight. Yay! It was very easy, took me about 15 minutes to do. :) There is a new screeny up. Click > here < to view it. Oh and we thank treehugger for yet another generous donation! :D
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February 22nd, 2006 @ 5:19PM: Updates! Updates!
Posted By: Drackir
Okey, so there are a few new updates that I want to tell you guys.

First of all, I have been adding a lot of updates recently, the newest of which include tabbed chatting and a buddy list. :) I will be working on the guild system and the mini-map next.

Secondly, there are community rules now and I want everyone to read and abide by them so that this community will be happy and welcoming. :D

Lastly, I have improved the server online/offline script to show a) number of players online, B) current uptime, and c) the players names (if there are any online). You can check this out in the Server Status page.
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February 10th, 2006 @ 3:21AM: New Stats and Staff
Posted By: Drackir
Hello everyone,
Just thought I'd update you guys again. The new stat/class system has been added into the game. (Yay!) I'm still working out the bugs but it seems to be running ok for now. *knocks on wood*

I would also like you to welcome a new Mapper in Training (MiT), pokey. He will be helping us map for the game so that we can get it out to you guys sooner.

That's it for now,
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February 5th, 2006 @ 9:49AM: Updates
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone! Just thought I'd update to let you guys know what's going on. We finally pulled storm out of the gutter after his little SP2 binge and it seems that he is almost good to get back to mapping. I am currently working on a huge modification of the player stat system that will move the game away from similar RPG's. I'm also adding in the new class system at the same time.
Since storm is back (or will be shortly) I'm leaning away from mapping and getting back to coding. This means that the release date, although still a few months off, is drawing nearer and nearer. :D I encourage all of you to join the forums and join in our discussions or start your own. We are still looking for Pixel artists. If you are interested please email staff@drackir.com.
I've also made some adjustments to the forums and how they are organized. Hope you like it!

That's all for now,
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January 15th, 2006 @ 8:37AM: Progress
Posted By: Drackir
Update 01/15/2006 - 3:00 PM: You may have noticed that there is now the option to view/post comments about the news items and that the News forum is visible in the main forums list now. I also added two new screenies of a map I made this morning. I now return you to your original broadcast...errr...post. :)

Ah, things are progressing quickly. It seems that the problems we were having with the map sending have disappeared... *knock on wood* Which means that Nal and I have been editing maps like crazy. We pretty much have all the blocking done. We just need to go through and triple check all the maps for blocks. Right now we are adding support maps (the edges of the island)/sprucing up current maps. Storm seems to have dropped off the side of the planet but hopefully he'll turn up soon and get some of those maps done he keeps talking about. While he is doing that, I will be adding NPC's (possibly with Nal's help). And getting the game test worthy. I'm not setting a date seeing as the dates that get set are NEVER EVER met, so I will say this: sometime in the future we will have a test and then the game will go public. We will be looking for testers soon so please make your presence known in the forums/chat/community and maybe you'll just get a chance at being one of the first people to play it!

Have a great day guys and gals!

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January 14th, 2006 @ 10:57AM: Blocking news
Posted By: Nalyid
Hi all,
I have some spicy dish fresh from the gossip pages. Blocking of the maps (we have ready) has begun, well it has been going on for a few days and should not take much longer...oh joy! I feel a swelling of excitement...or that Mc Donald's I ate..

That is all for now kiddys, if Drackir has anything to add I am sure you will be hearing from him.

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January 13th, 2006 @ 8:13AM: Updates
Posted By: Drackir
Hey everyone! Welcome to January. A new year and a new beginning. As Nal mentioned below we are starting up working on the client again at a less ambitious, more practical pace. We just want to get something out there for everyone to play and have fun with while we work on the making it better as well as working on the next one (it will be secksi, I promise).

I have a special announcement to make today. We have had our first donation towards paying for webhosting for another two years from...


Yay! We thank him greatly for his kindness as we are trying to reach our goal of $400 CDN to pay for this wonderful website hosting again. If you would like to help our cause please visit http://www.drackir.com/donate.php or email me with the links provided on that page or throughout the website.

Have an awesome day everyone!
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January 6th, 2006 @ 9:08PM: ~New Years News~-Happy Christmas and Merry New Years!!
Posted By: Nalyid
Hello all,
Well it's 2006, we survived fires, floods, and the 360 launch. I would have to say this year is off to a great start. I have something that will make all you geeks bubble with pixelated glee, Fondusi's staff have all been located, captured and vaccinated, for your safty of course, and are now back to work after a short haitus, but the project is getting back on track.

In light of some recent occurances, we have decided that it would be best to finish Fondusi's 1.0 using our original source. This conclusion has come to be so that we may deliver a fun, basic, playable game client, for You, our beloved Fondusian public. So you may begin to play and grow with fellow adventurers, giving the staff lots of time and alot less pressure. So we may continue with great updates and events. Also we are pushing the date back for release until we can finish the mapping, (which storm is working on right now) and deving, (which will be done when the maps are finished).

*Creepy Huggles* Nalyid :magic:

Edit By Drackir:
Merry gimmegimme day and all that jazz everyone! Hope you all have a good new year and we hope to see you when the client gets released!

Edit By Nalyid:
Don't post your propaganda on my post you :yar:
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December 7th, 2005 @ 5:51PM: New Forums Look
Posted By: Drackir
Update 2:
I have edited them quite a bit again. They are completely functional (you can read the text everywhere and use them, they just don't look right). I haven't fixed the User/Mod CP's, Help, Search, Members, Calendar and Board Message sections yet but I will be moving to those next. I have to go paint now. Have a good day everyone!

I made some more (HUGE) modifications to the forums today. Note that I haven't fixed the posting screens yet but everything else seems to be in good order. The tables don't seem to be displaying correctly in IE and FF so I will check that out tomorrow. It's late again so I'm going to sleep!

I've finished editing the forums (for now.) If you notice any problems or text that can't be seen (black text over the background) please post in the suggestions section or tell me in IRC. Thanks and I hope you like the new look!

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December 7th, 2005 @ 9:35AM: Forum Changes
Posted By: Drackir
I have modified the forums' theme to match the website a bit more. I will fix it completely tomorrow but it is late and I need sleep!

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December 6th, 2005 @ 12:41AM: Updates!
Posted By: Drackir
Ok everyone. I made some crazy updates tonight I hope you like them. Basically I moved the vote links down to the bottom and moved our REAL affiliates into the affiliates box. I also added a google search box for anyone who wants to set our page as their home page (hehe.) I put the news in tables so it looks prettier and I made it so that it shows only 3 news items on the main page. I also added an archives page at the bottom of the news. I added a new affiliate as well, their button can be found under Affiliates to the left or on the affiliates page (also on the left.) Have a good day everyone!

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December 1st, 2005 @ 7:31AM: New Month = New Things (And Time To Vote!)
Posted By: Drackir
Okey, I just wanted to let everyone know that we're switching our engine from Deloria Unofficial to Touched ORPGe. Big thanks to Joke for this. This means that there are quite a few new features and things that I will not have to add myself (yay!) But I do have to do some converting (I have to add scrolling maps and BETTER seamless maps) to do. This means that our date for beta testing will most likely be pushed back (it's almost December! Wait look at the time, it IS December!) So the beta test will hopefully be early January. Public release I'm still sticking with January, just later possibly. We will see.

It's a new month and you know what that means! Everyone vote! And you dial-uppers vote everytime you log on! But don't forget to delete your cookies so they won't know you came back! Hehe.

Have fun everyone!
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November 21st, 2005 @ 5:45PM: Voting
Posted By: Drackir
I've added a few new vote links to the left side of the site. Please click them and help our game grow! :) We also invite you to join us in our IRC chat room which can be found in the menu on the lefthand side of this website as well as in the forums. We hope to see you soon!

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November 16th, 2005 @ 4:16AM: Welcome to Our Newest Staff
Posted By: Drackir
I would just like to officially welcome our newest staff members:

Chris Hurn - Musician
JokeOfWeek - Mapper/Secondary Programmer

We hope to see good things from you guys!

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November 11th, 2005 @ 5:19AM: Lest We Forget
Posted By: Drackir
Today, November 11th, is Remembrance Day (Canada/Britain) / Veterans' Day (United States). It is a day to remember the hero's who fought and died (and who are fighting and dying) for our freedom. Please take a moment today to remember them in your prayers and hope that one day there will be no more need for war. I have included a copy of In Flanders Field below along with a picture I made that you are welcome to use as a display pic or whatever.

In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Lest We Forget
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November 6th, 2005 @ 2:46AM: Release Data and Chat
Posted By: Drackir
Hey people,
Just an update. Our timeline as far as release goals go is like this: All mapping done by the end of November. Deving and Closed beta test complete by the end of December. Public release in early January. These of course are guidelines and are subject to change.

In other news, you can now access our IRC chat room via the website. Just click the Chat link in the menu on the left and pick a nickname. Have fun guys hope to see you soon!
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October 21st, 2005 @ 5:55AM: Welcome To The New Website
Posted By: Drackir
I would like to welcome everyone to this official unofficial website. This is what it's going to look like for the next little bit until I can add some more stuff into it. All the info on the game can be found either here or in the forums so please feel free to wander around the few pages and join up with the forums if you have any comments, suggestions or questions. :) Have a nice day!

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